Three things for February 21

Three things for February 21

1. Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months in prison

On Thursday, Roger Stone was sentenced to 40 months in prison for interfering with Congress during its investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged coordination with Russia to interfere the 2016 election.

According to AP News, Stone was convicted of seven charges in Nov. 2019. The charges included lying to Congress, tampering with a witness and obstruction of the House investigation into the 2016 election.

President Trump verbally critiqued the sentence as a “miscarriage of justice.”

Judge Amy Berman Jackson fought for Stone to be held accountable and for others to see justice served for going beyond his political affiliations. 

Trump also said he is “going to watch very closely,” while Stone and his team have yet to release a statement. 

2. Landslide in Morris Chapel destroys roads and houses

RAW: Drone video over the massive landslide in Hardin County, Tennessee, that destroyed two homes

After excessive rain storms and dramatic levels of flooding, a landslide occurred over the weekend, taking out two homes and parts of the road in Morris Chapel, Tennessee.

As homeowners evacuated, their home slipped and collapsed into the nearby river. Emergency services soon arrived on the scene, but nothing could be done about the damage along the Missouri River. 

Drone footage has now been released, highlighting the damage on Glendale Road where part of the road has collapsed. 

Hardin County Fire Department of Savannah, Tennessee warned people nearby to stay away from the area as the ground continues to shift from the saturation.

Officials are updating locals with more footage of the scene and monitoring the rain levels of the area for safety.

3. Flames Basketball broadcast win on ESPN

On Thursday, the Lee Flames Basketball game against Union University was broadcast nationwide on ESPN. 

The Flames won 74 - 68 with special recognition to the success of players Montgomery, Suedekum and Landman. 

FIT Club begins new accountability program on campus

FIT Club begins new accountability program on campus

Brief: Flames to be showcased on ESPN 3 tonight 

Brief: Flames to be showcased on ESPN 3 tonight