LEEving: Katlyn Nelsen

LEEving: Katlyn Nelsen

LEEving is a series depicting the lives of those who are set to graduate soon. We hope you are able to enjoy the lives of those who are LEEving.


Katlyn Nelsen knew she wanted to be a teacher since kindergarten.

“I would play dress up with all my toys and teach them math because what other five-year-old doesn’t do that?” Nelsen said. 

Originally from Saint Charles, Illinois, Nelsen began looking at Lee’s education program after her family moved to Georgia. Now a senior elementary education major, Nelsen said her Lee experience has been a journey of growing in her teaching abilities, paired with the confirmation of her passion to help children learn. 

“It’s definitely been a roller coaster because, you know, you start out so passionate because you have this build- up idea of what you think your life is gonna be like,” Nelsen said. 

For many college students, including Nelsen, the expectations of one’s college journey often diverges from their imagined path. Classes show students that earning a degree in their desired field is easier said than done, yet their passion and calling act as the motivation to overcome challenges. 

“Then going into classes and learning the nitty gritty and trying to explain concepts that are just so foreign to people who don’t understand or have that ability to learn by themselves, is so difficult but also you get to be that foundation for them and set them up for success,” she said. 

Nelsen appreciates how Lee’s education program has taught students how to be a Christian educator in a career where faith standpoints cannot be explicitly voiced. 

“They are so good at tackling that with us and showing us that you don’t have to use his name in order to show people who he is. It’s really cool and encouraging to be able to discuss these things with people who have similar viewpoints,” Nelsen said. 

Nelsen also shared her time as an education major has strengthened her ability to explain difficult concepts. 

 “I honestly learned a lot of it in concepts of mathematics. It was such a cool class and we did this project where they gave you number systems that don’t exist anymore and have you explain them to the class. And I was like, I have no idea what this is. How do I even explain this?” Nelsen said. “Learning how to explain things in different ways has been a struggle but so worth it.”

As Nelsen prepares to end her Lee journey in May, she embarks on a new journey, with the hopes of being an elementary school teacher.

“To be someone who can support them and make them learn there is a safe place for you and even if you have to find that outside of home, it is something you can search for and hope for because it’s out there and there are people who care about you.”

Nelsen hopes to shine her light for Christ by praying for her future students and showing them support and guidance during their formative years.  

“Any time I can be around kids or the classroom, it just really affirms that this is where I want to be and where I should be.”

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