How social media algorithms work:  A simple guide

How social media algorithms work: A simple guide

Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok and YouTube use algorithms to determine what content you see in your feed. These algorithms play a huge role in shaping your online experience, but how do they work? Let’s break it down. 

What is a social media algorithm?

In simple terms, social media algorithms are computer generated decision makers. Social media platforms use algorithms to show content that interests users. However, another purpose of social media algorithms is to serve the advertising department and create revenue. 

Dr. Jeff Salyer, director of marketing at Lee University, says, “Most platforms' goals are to keep users scrolling on their platform because they want to serve them advertisements; the algorithm then decides what content will keep them on the platform the longest, so they can be served an ad.” He expands on this: “Algorithms determine what ads should be served to people at what time, it continually learns users, and continually learns what content works and what doesn't.” 

Although social media algorithms are made to benefit users’ ever-changing interests, these decision-makers are also used to profit off of continuous scrolling as a result of a successful algorithmic decision.

How do algorithms decide what content to show?

Social media algorithms are designed to find the correct content niche for each user. This is accomplished by analysis of user metrics and interests. Instagram’s algorithm is capable of analyzing one’s searches, showing you content based on that search and responding to further interest in the displayed content. 

The Institute for Internet and the Just Society explains this process: “Once users show interest in a specific tag or category, they are directed to other items in the same category.”  

The Institute also notes that algorithms can operate in a collaborative way. Collaborative filtering matches users to other users who share similar interests; this results in a person being directed to content the algorithm thinks they want to see because a user with a similar profile searched for that specific source. This is why users often see an influx of niche content after the algorithm notices an expressed interest in a new topic. 

Can you influence the algorithm?

In short, yes. One can curate their feed by making a conscious effort to only interact with the content they enjoy. America Wagner, co-owner of Webive Digital Marketing, explains when users “look for certain things often and watch that content to the end,” it influences their algorithm to show them what they want to see. Conversely, one can untrain the algorithm as well. If you find a post in your feed you do not enjoy, Wagner offers two choices: “you either scroll past it really fast or click the three dots in the corner and select not interested.” 

What are the negative effects of algorithms?

Sometimes the surplus of related content can cause echo chambers. Kimberly Lyon, associate lecturer of journalism at Lee University, describes an echo chamber as a feed full of what users already like and believe. These echo chambers can create harmful vacuums of misinformation and potentially feed into negative thought processes. According to Lyon, Meta is facing legal implications due to their algorithm showing a child content that reinforced depression, anger, violence and eventually suicidal thoughts. 

Politics are often pushed into these echo chambers as well which leads to much divide among platform users. 

“People get in echo chambers, and they tend to repeat these negative behaviors,” Lyon said. While the algorithm can be used to show new, interesting content, users can unknowingly get caught in a cycle of negative content. 

How are algorithms evolving?

Algorithms are constantly changing because they are machine learning devices. When one feeds information into these machines, the algorithm can better evaluate what users engage with most. The best digital marketing strategies often lean into the most engaging content. 

“We talk about this with our clients; video content is king, and it does way better than still images,” said Wagner. 

Many algorithms have begun to push video content more. This is one reason TikTok is widely popular and a highly profitable business. Creators make short-form content that catches the eye of scrolling users. TikTok started this trend, but many platforms have implemented  short-form videos as well. 

“Tiktok got really big, and you started to see every single other social media platform start following suit with their own form of non stop, short form content,” Wagner said. Applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn have created a space for short-form content on their platforms.

What can users do to stay informed?

Because algorithms are constantly changing, users must take initiative to stay up to date on trends and policies. Salyer recommends social media users pay attention to the news and do their research. 

“You have to get your information from multiple sources. Try to develop ideas, and then have conversations about it,” he said. Technology magazines offer valuable information to users following the movement of algorithms, Lyon notes. 

Entrepreneurs have access to social media management marketing software like Sprout Social and Hootsuite. These programs work in the background to analyze the algorithm and help business owners profit from algorithm changes. 

“They are always watching the algorithm because they want their users to have the best experience,” Lyon said. 

Webive Digital Marketing utilizes a software monitoring system for the benefit of its customers. Wagner, co-owner of the company, suggests users talk to someone who is knowledgeable on social media algorithms; whether that be an agency like Webive or an individual who understands algorithms.

Social media algorithms play a significant role in shaping the content users engage with online. These systems work by analyzing user behavior to deliver personalized content while also serving the financial interests of platforms through targeted advertising. While users can influence their feeds to some extent, algorithms can also create echo chambers that reinforce narrow perspectives and amplify negativity. As these algorithms continue to evolve, staying informed and using tools like social media management software can help individuals and businesses navigate the ever-changing digital landscape.

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