More than an Athlete: Alyssa Colón
Photo by Annie Youther.
Lebanon, Ohio native Alyssa Colón is a friendly face on Lee’s campus and a vigorous athlete on the rugby field. Colón moved from Lebanon to Cleveland to follow in her aunt’s footsteps by becoming an elementary school teacher. Colón is a senior elementary and childhood education major.
“My aunt, who was my hero, was an elementary school teacher in Cookeville. So, growing up, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. In high school, I started looking for schools in Tennessee, so I could be certified to teach and live in this state as my aunt did,” said Colón. “She passed away due to leukemia, but every time I step into an elementary class, I feel her presence.”
Colón’s aunt inspired her Lee journey, but she was also influenced by potentially continuing her softball career at Lee. However, the combination of suffering an injury and wanting more freedom in her schedule led Colón to take a break.
“This opened the door for me to play rugby,” said Colón, “I played softball my entire life and swam competitively in high school, so my hobbies have always included being active and working out.”
During her freshman year, Colón commented on a peer’s rugby hoodie, which piqued her initial interest in the sport. She joined the team her sophomore year. She was attracted by the sport’s uniqueness and the welcoming community.
“Most of the sports I played in the past have a set body type and skill set you need, but with rugby — this community is open to every body type or skill set,” said Colón. “There is a place on the field for every type of girl.”
Colón said she grew close to her fellow teammates and now considers them family.
“If I were to describe my team in one word, I would say ‘family.’ I know I have a support system there for me no matter what, which is what family does,” said Colón. “Rugby places an emphasis on being a safe place for all types of people to come together – no matter where you come from, you will have a family that cares for you.”
Colón can be found shredding on a longboard, at an antique shop or hanging out with friends out of the classroom and off the field. She said she might be intimidating at first but is compassionate and chill once you know her well.
“If anyone wanted to be my friend, all they would have to do is ask me to go to a record store or an antique shop, honestly,” said Colón.
Colón encourages fellow students to try new things and step out of their comfort zones.