Flame on the Hot Seat: Macy Woodworth
photo courtesy of Lee Athletic Communications
This week’s Flame on the Hot Seat is sophomore basketball star Macy Woodworth. Woodworth began her basketball career in San Francisco, California before joining the Lady Flames in the Fall of 2019.
Macy is a communications major with a minor in psychology. When Macy is not dominating the basketball court, she is hanging out with her friends, listening to music and working hard to finish her degree.
What brought you to Lee?
I wanted to be pushed out of my comfort zone and, when I found out about Lee, I already had family in Georgia, so I was wanting to come out here because I knew I was going to be close to family. Also, with basketball, I knew I wanted to be in an environment like this, and when I met some of the, girls I really enjoyed that first impression. I totally felt like all of the doors opened and closed for me to be led here, I really felt like it was God’s purpose for me, and my family moved down to Georgia also, so it really felt like God’s plan.
How did you get into playing basketball?
When I first started playing basketball, I was seven years old. My dad was very athletic, and he kind of got me into it. I really enjoyed it, so I kind of stuck with it.
What is your favorite thing about basketball?
Aside from the sport itself, the relationships that are made through it. Obviously, I’m very competitive, and I love the kind of grit that comes with the sport, the physicality of it, and I also love the team aspect of it and making those relationships. Those girls are like family now. I love how basketball brings forth those types of relationships.
What do you think about before every game? How do you stay focused?
For starters, I think music helps. I listen to a very diverse range of music that calms my mind and body before the game, then, when the girl’s in the locker room are together, we look over the scouting reports, and you kind of realize this is what we’ve worked for. No matter what the game is, especially with COVID, we’ve worked for games months prior.
How do you stay calm and collected, even when shots aren’t going your way?
photo courtesy of Macy Woodworth
A good way to help you stay calm and collected is don’t let it stop you from playing the way you do; keep shooting. I've been told as a kid many times when shots aren’t going your way, keep shooting because eventually they go in, and when you have players on your team like Haley Shubert and Maddie Long, who often have the ball in their hands, whenever they get discouraged they know to keep shooting because you are still benefiting the team, and you know mentally that you are helping the team, and obviously if shots aren’t going our way we give it to someone who is having a great night. We know how to share the ball, and we are good at pointing out who’s having a great night.
What has been your favorite moment at Lee so far?
My favorite moment at Lee is my time with the girls. Especially over winter break, we only had a week off, and we were back here in Cleveland, so we all had a lot of team time together and just funny moments in the locker rooms or on the bus when we are traveling to places. It’s always the little things for me, like the jokes that were made. Funny moments or inside jokes have really been the best parts for me. It’s only and always with the girls.
What are your hobbies outside of basketball?
I love meeting new people. I’m very personable and very social. It was tough with COVID having classes online because I loved going to class and meeting new people and, alongside that, I don’t do this much now, but growing up, I used to longboard a ton, and I loved to go boating and wakeboarding. If I didn’t have basketball, I would probably be spending most of my time on a lake somewhere or hanging out with friends.
Fun fact about yourself?
I love music! I know that doesn’t sound like a fun fact, but when you see me driving, walking, or even if I’m by myself, I’m listening to music. I’m super invested in music artists and bands and just the poetic lyrics in songs.
What is your all-time favorite movie?
My favorite movie of all time is probably “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” It’s a classic, and it always makes me laugh. I think it is a movie everyone needs to see.
If you were to have a superpower, what superpower would you want most?
Teleportation, if that’s what you would call that. I’d book it to the west coast and back, most definitely.