Alex Awad speaks at ‘Peace in the Holy Land’ event
Photo by Taylor Baker.
On Feb. 20, Lee alumnus and author Alex Awad returned to his alma mater to share his story. Awad’s presentation was titled “Peace in the Holy Land: A Palestinian Christian Perspective.”
Before writing and becoming a professor, Awad attended Lee and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in biblical education and a Bachelor of Science in secondary education.
“I have roots at Lee College,” Awad said. “I came here twice; I have two degrees.”
Awad’s lecture centered around what the Christian response should be to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Awad highlighted examples, citing the growing movement for peace in the region.
“What is our Christian response?” Awad said. “Stand with Israeli and Palestinian peacemakers and those who support them in their church and community.”
Awad also addressed President Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan. The newly proposed plan was announced in January in hopes of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, the plan was met with harsh criticism from the Palestinian government.
“After the nonsense that we heard today we say a thousand no’s to the Deal of The Century,” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told AP News.
Awad echoed this by explaining how he believes the plan’s pro-Israel bias is unfair when planning a peace agreement.
“To have a group negotiate for the Middle East, they cannot be all Jewish,” Awad said. “When you have that group to negotiate peace, it’s like having two basketball teams and only one group has the right to set all of the rules.”
Lecturer in Anthropology Alan Wheeler said Awad’s appearance could be educational to students who do not know the Palestinian side of the ongoing conflict.
“I find it’s great that he’s coming to Lee because whenever you hear the word ‘Palestinian,’ you don’t automatically think evangelical Christian,” Wheeler said. “He and his brother together started Bethlehem Bible College, which has been an evangelical witness to the Palestinian community for 40 years.”
Wheeler believes Awad’s message can offer a new perspective on the Palestinian community.
“I think [Awad’s talk] can undo stereotypes that [students] might have about Palestinians and assumptions they might have about the Arab community being always to blame,” Wheeler said. “Also, they can learn about the mandate that Christ gives us to be peacemakers.”
Junior psychology major Nathan Marlow described the talk as eye-opening because it showed him another side to the conflict he had not previously considered.
“I believe it was extremely beneficial, as oftentimes in America we only get the side of Israel,” Marlow said. “It was very interesting to hear the Christian perspective from a Palestinian Christian and to hear how much support there actually is in the country for peace and not violence.”
To read more about Alex Awad and his mission statement, visit