Behind the bagel
Located in the Humanities Building, hundreds of students visit each day for a bagel pick-me-up. All photos by Taylor Baker.
There are moments when a friendly smile or a simple compliment can be enough to change the tone of the day. Gestures like this often make a lasting impact on those at the receiving end. At Einstein’s, “it’s the little things” appears to be a code that the workers operate by. Students and faculty alike have noticed the ever-fervent attitude of Einstein employees, and inquiring minds want to know the how’s and why’s behind these cordial attitudes.
Sodexo General Manager Bruce Lee and Sodexo Retail Manager Wes Jenkins work closely with the Einstein employees. Both gentlemen provide a glimpse into the training and standards that mold their trainees into the helping hands found at the beloved bagel shop.
“There is a constant push,” said Jenkins when asked about intentionality in training. “We tell our employees throughout the year that they need to stop and remember that Lee students are far from home. They need to see friendly faces.”
Food services throughout campus include top-notch service. However, there are elements that seem to separate Einstein’s from other restaurants. Again, much of this is tied to the deliberation of the workers - the drive to provide quality service.
“We try to build a solid team everywhere,” said Jenkins. “At Einstein’s, this becomes really important. I believe we achieve this because of the close community in the back of the store. The employees have to work together. The whole team - they really do work as a team to get the job done.”
As Einstein’s holds a high standard of teamwork, the team includes members from a variety of backgrounds and job experience, allowing them to have a team of diverse coworkers with a common goal to serve students as well as they can.
“They have a variety of work experience as well,” Lee said. “The roles are interchangeable, which leads to a greater understanding of what works and what doesn’t.”
Students have taken note of the welcoming personas found in Einstein employees. Junior psychology major Hannah Arnold sings their praises when discussing her encounters with them.
“I have never had a negative interaction with an Einstein’s worker,” said Arnold. “I am constantly greeted with a smile, and every employee asks about my day before I order.”
The kind of positive feedback they get about the workers can be heard simply by standing and listening to the interactions floating through the restaurant.
“If you stand and listen closely, the workers know the students’ names and vice versa. I’d say that speaks volumes,” Jenkins said.
Einstein’s goes above and beyond providing quality food and drinks. There is quality emphasis in the service as well, and that is what keeps the customers coming.