Lee Votes Beckham

Wednesday, March 25, Lee students cheered on one of their own, Clark Beckham, in the Paul Conn Student Union, as he competed to keep his spot in the running to become the next 'American Idol'.

Beckham, a Lee University alumnus, has received enough votes in the competition to become one of the top 11 contestants on the hit Fox television show. Wednesday, Lee students watched as America voted on whether Beckham would make it into the top nine contestants, or fall just short.

While Beckham had trouble picking a key for this week's song, he decided on a stripped down, soulful cover of "Every Breath You Take" by The Police, which was received well by the judges.

"Lee puts such an emphasis on students being involved in the arts. It's nice to see them following through with their students after they graduate,' Junior Britain Miethe said. 'I love that someone from Lee is up there. Knowing him as a singer, usually he is a pretty soulful singer, so tonight he really took that soulful edge and did a great job with [the song.]'

Students enjoyed free pizza and snacks while cheering on one of their own. While some students were close to Beckham, there was a hand full of students who attended the event in order to support Lee and be a part of campus life.

Freshman Erin Foster said, 'It's a support thing. Even though we don't know him, it's like a family. I want to support him and see him move on.'

Beckham became an honorary member of Epsilon while at Lee and had many sisters in the crowd supporting him. Epsilon originally held the first on-campus event for Beckham. The Student Leadership Council then heard about the turn out and requested Epsilon keep it going.

Epsilon is now in charge of getting the word out and setting up for the showings, while SLC provides the equipment and free food.

Epsilon member Abby Attia said she was glad Beckham keeps advancing in the competition. She believes he is still one of the best performers on the show.

"I think he is in the top three of all the contestants. [Beckham] is staying true to himself, he's very talented,' Epsilon member Peyton McConnell said.

Details for next week's showing will be sent out via e-mail to Lee students.

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