A longstanding tradition at Lee University continued August 24 as Greek Life tapped in new members. Tap Night is a campus wide event where Greek Life welcomes new members into a new community.
Members of Pi Kappa Pi. Photo by Kenzie Sprouse.
Members of Upsilon Xi. Photo by Contributing Photographer Raylee Evans.
The celebration was heard throughout campus as clubs walk around to meet with their newest members before heading to Deacon Jones Dining Hall. In the caf, it was a joyous environment with smiles all around as Greek Life acknowledges a growing community in each club.
Members of Omega Alpha Phi. Photo by Kenzie Sprouse.
Members of Tau Kappa Omega. Photo by Contributing Photographer Raylee Evans.
Members of Delta Zeta Tau. Photo by Contributing Photographer Raylee Evans.
Member of Sigma Nu Sigma. Photo by Contributing Photographer Raylee Evans.
Members of Phi Chi Gamma. Photo by Kenzie Sprouse.
“My favorite part is honestly just knowing that this family is going to grow,” said Kat Coates, President of Phi Chi Gamma.
“I love feeling the joy and lighting up the faces of the people we tap,” said Beth Trippany of Omega Alpha Phi. “It becomes a new pride and a new home for them.”
Members of Omega Alpha Phi. Photo by Contributing Photographer Raylee Evans.
Members and newest tap of Delta Zeta Tau. Photo by Kenzie Sprouse.
Members of Alpha Gamma Chi. Photo by Contributing Photographer Raylee Evans.
For many, Tap Night is a time when the idea of clunity, or community among every Greek club comes to life.
“Seeing all the clubs dressed up, there’s just a sense of clunity with us,” said Lillie Knight of Delta Zeta Tau.
Members of Sigma Nu Sigma. Photo by Kenzie Sprouse.
“My favorite part about tap night is just seeing everybody celebrate each other. Seeing every club be happy for each other. It's such a unifying moment. I think it's one of my favorite things,” said Clara Jerman of Pi Kappa Pi.
“We’re all in the cafeteria and we're all together. I like how all the clubs are in one area. It's really cool,” said Grace Schall of Delta Zeta Tau.
“Our club verse is Luke 10:27 so it's all about loving God and loving your neighbors,” said Morgan Kirkpatrick, President of Epsilon Lambda Phi. “I see a lot of that in tap night, like everybody just being so excited for each other.”
Bailey Rath member of Alpha Gamma Chi is tapped into Sigma Nu Sigma as a Big Brother. Photo by Kenzie Sprouse.
Tap Night is not only a celebration for newly tapped members, but current and past members as well.
“It’s good to see everyone and to catch up,” said Ruben Lavargeria, a Pi Kappa Pi alumni. “It feels like I am looking at the future of our club.”
“There have been times that Sigma was my only friend and it has taught me so manythings. My life has completely changed for the better. That's stereotypical but it's true,” said Hannah Young of Sigma Nu Sigma.
Members and alumni of Pi Kappa Pi pose for a picture with a newly tapped member. Photo by Kenzie Sprouse.
Caleb Pope celebrates being tapped into Omega Alpha Phi as a Big Brother. Photo by Contributing Photographer Raylee Evans.
For those who are tapped, Tap Night is full of excitement and anticipation as they join a community of sisterhood and brotherhood.
“I wanted to join a brotherhood. I feel like TKO is the club I can do that with,” said Elijah De La Rosa of Tau Kappa Omega.
For Drew Allen of Theta Delta Kappa, Tap Night is “…a chance to begin anew with a group of friends and have a great brotherhood where we can serve Christ in our communities.”
“I didn’t expect it,” said Emily Lawson of Sigma Nu Sigma after getting tapped into Upsilon Xi. “They are like brothers to me.”
Members of Upsilon Xi tap in a new member. Photo by Contributing Photographer Raylee Evans.
Sarah Cagna member of Delta Zeta Tau is tapped into Alpha Gamma Chi as a Sweetheart. Photo by Kenzie Sprouse.
Newest tap of Sigma Nu Sigma. Photo by Kenzie Sprouse.
Bella Williams and Jade Benward celebrate tapping in Austin Krell into Omega Alpha Phi as a Big Brother.
Members of Alpha Gamma Chi celebrate a tap. Photo by Contributing Photographer Raylee Evans.
Sigma Nu Sigma celebrates tapping in Tyler Ivory as a Big Brother.
Tap Night is a special night on campus as it marks the beginning of a new community for so many. Beyond this, it is a time of carrying on the legacy of Greek Life that has been a tradition at Lee since 1962. On Tap Night, Greek Life comes together to continue this long standing tradition and celebrate a continued cultivation of Christ-like community.