Shenanigans hosts weekend of laughs
Photo provided by Shenanigans
Shenanigans invites friends, students and staff to join them for a weekend of comedy and improvised fun as they present two shows providing attendees with guaranteed laughs.
Shenanigans is Lee University’s improv team of ten students who rehearse twice a week in preparation for their monthly improv shows filled with quick wit and non-scripted entertainment.
This weekend, the Shenanigans will add a theme to their show, dressing up in formal attire while featuring on the spot creation of scenes and situations centered around the idea of turning the Shenanigans into “Sheglamigans.”
“I like that I can expect every time I go I know I'm going to love seeing my friends and I'm gonna laugh and have fun no matter what the show is,” said Madelyn Blakley, senior French major.
For Shenanigans, improv is more than entertainment, but a way to decompress and express themselves through what can be considered an art form.
“It can be the hardest week of school for me, I’ll have exams and clinical hours, service, and a bunch of things but every week no matter what always go to Shenanigans rehearsals, no matter how much school I have I go just because it's therapeutic,” said Garrett Wheeler, coach of Shenanigans and senior biology pre-med major. “There’s something about you know, just being able to be a character and just kind of let your emotions out.”
Shenanigans can be seen to many as one of Lee University's staple clubs, drawing in audiences for the past 15 years not only across campus, but throughout the Cleveland community.
“It's awesome entertainment and a great way to connect with the campus too. My freshman year everyone was like ‘you should go see these improv shows’ and as a freshman that was a great way for me to see people outside of my bubble,” said Blakley.
While Shenanigans and their legacy will continue at Lee, senior members of the group prepare to leave their fellow improvers while putting their all into the last shows of the semester.
“I’ll really miss the friends I've made through it and just having fun and laughing. It’s just super valuable to just have a space where I can be myself,” said Charlotte Fults, member of Shenanigans and senior double major in sociology and french.
Many clubs at Lee University integrate service into their groups, reflecting Christ and school values across campus. Yet even clubs that focus on entertaining audiences can further God’s Kingdom in unexpected ways.
“There was one guy last year who came to one of our shows and he told us he was having a really hard week and he had never been to a show before and said he just needed to laugh. He laughed so hard that he stayed for the next show. He just sat by himself. He didn't have any friends there,” Wheeler said. “People have asked us before ‘why don't you do Christian improv and turn it into a Ministry?’ But I think that laughter in itself and providing stress relief to students and audience members is a service in itself.”
Shenanigans shows are highly anticipated event on campus and fill up quickly. Secure your seat by arriving early to enjoy a completely improvised show by Lee University's Shenanigans.
Happening March 24 and 25 at 9:00 p.m., Shenanigans will perform in the Rose Lecture Hall. There will also be a “Lee Day Special” performance on March 31 at 7:00 p.m. in the Dixon Center. Tickets will be sold for $1.00 at the door of each performance.
For more information about Shenanigans or to find out dates of upcoming shows, visit the Shenanigans Instagram at @leeshenanigans.