Three things for April 13

Three things for April 13

1. Tennessee reports 194 new cases of COVID-19, no new deaths

On Sunday, Tennessee reported a total of 5,308 cases of coronavirus, resulting in 101 deaths and 1,504 recoveries. The number of cases reported jumped by 194 from Saturday to Sunday, but no new deaths have been reported.

According to the Tennessee Department of Health, 70,747 people have been tested for COVID-19 with the majority of tests returning as negative.

The reports come almost two weeks after Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed Executive Order 23, mandating all Tennessee residents remain at home unless performing essential activities. The order will remain in effect until April 14 at 11:59 p.m.

2. Church hosts drive in Easter Sunday service

A congregation in Clover, South Carolina, celebrated the resurrection of Christ while parked in their cars Saturday. Relevant Church held their worship on a ...

On Sunday, Christians around the world celebrated Easter at home amid coronavirus fears. One congregation in Clover, South Carolina organized a drive in church service complete with pre-packaged communion and worship.

The message from Relevant Church was broadcasted over radio as cars packed the parking lot.

Kendra Husband attended the service and told AP News, “It was different because we weren’t actually physically together. We could wave through windows.”

3. Walt Disney World to furlough 43,000 workers

Walt Disney World in Florida recently announced plans to furlough 43,000 non-essential workers, leaving 200 essential employees on the job. Beginning on April 19, cast members who are furloughed indefinitely can use their benefits for up to a year.

Service Trades Council Union, a collection of six unions representing the 43,000 cast members at the Disney parks in Florida, negotiated the furloughing with Disney World until a compromise was reached.

Eric Clinton, president of Unite Here Local 362, said during a livestream, “This is a decision that the union doesn’t like. However, it’s within the company’s right to lay off and furlough employees in this situation.”

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