Operation Christmas Child Pack N' Stack adjusts to COVID-19 regulations
All photos taken by Rhianna Barrow.
First-Year Program’s annual Operation Christmas Child Pack N’ Stack event took place Monday, Nov. 16, in Walker Arena. The event focuses on gateway classes coming together to pack boxes filled with toys for children to be sent out all over the world.
Yves Dushime, a spokesperson for Samaritan’s Purse who received boxes as a child in Togo, West Africa, spoke in chapel Nov. 10, sharing with students the ways OCC changed his life. Dushmie’s church received hundreds of OCC boxes from an anonymous donor. After seeing how a small shoebox filled with gifts could lead others to Christ, Dushmie became passionate about involving others in OCC’s mission.
“It has never been about the stuff in the boxes. It’s about the message that the box comes with, and it is reaching lives all across this planet, and you are making that possible,” said Dushmie.
Lee partners each year with Samaritan’s Purse and Gateway classes to make this dream possible for others.
“Each year, Lee University Gateway students plan for this event by praying, making cards and fundraising to pack a shoebox-sized package full of toys for children around the world,” said Angela Waltrip, community coordinator for LEAP office. “My favorite part of Pack N’ Stack each year is the absolute joy from the students coming together in celebrating Christ’s birth and the thrill of sharing this love with others.”
Normally at Pack N’ Stack each year, hundreds of students flood Walker Arena packing boxes with toys and other items to be given to children across the world. With COVID-19 affecting the way we gather, FYP has had to brainstorm new ways students can gather safely.
“Students will have to stay masked and distanced for the entire event,” said FYP student staff worker Jen Condon. “We are filtering about six to seven Gateway classes through the Conn Center and Walker Arena to make sure students will be distanced at all times. We will ensure that students are distanced while walking to Walker Arena and have spots set out for students to stand while packing boxes.”
In response to COVID-19, Samaritan’s Purse is also monitoring local, state and national guidelines to protect those in preparation and packing shoeboxes.
“FYP has been hard at work to make sure that students, staff and our box recipients are safe and healthy before, during and after this event. All attendants will wear masks as is university policy. Gateway classes will take shifts, with only 4-5 classes going at once to ensure social distancing and no crowds,” said transfer peer leader Jane Thompson.
More information about OCC is available from Samaritan’s Purse.