New policies set for DeVos Recreation Center
All photos by Rhianna Barrow
The DeVos Recreation Center has adapted their operations to serve students while following state-regulated guidelines.
According to recreation center staff member Elizabeth Dumont, students must now register for a workout time through IM Leagues, which can be accessed through the “LeeURec” app.
Students can download the app via the app store and sign up for an account. Once inside the app, click on the “Fitness” tab, select the desired room and time, and then select “join session.”
Junior exercise science major and recreation center staff member Kayleigh De Koker said capacity is currently limited to eight people in the weight room, 15 in the cardio room, three in the MX4 room and four people in the Cybex Circuit room to maintain social distancing.
According to Lee University’s Return to Campus guide, “All workouts will be limited to 60 minutes. Users must arrive at least 10 minutes prior to their scheduled workout time to complete a health screening. In addition, no locker room facilities will be available. Users are expected to clean thoroughly after themselves. Those refusing to abide by these guidelines will not be permitted to continue to use the facilities.”
The outdoor basketball and volleyball courts will be closed until further notice due to current COVID-19 guidelines. The recreation center plans to reopen these spaces once it is allowed.
Junior business student Greylin Payne said the new guidelines help maintain her workout schedule.
“The new rec center procedures are great,” said Payne. “Having to schedule my workout definitely keeps me accountable to myself.”
The DeVos Recreation Center is now open on Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.