Flame on the Hot Seat: Yotam Balbul
Photo courtesy of Yotam Balbul
The next Flame on the Hot Seat is sophomore soccer player Yotam Balbul. Balbul is a central back from Haifa, Israel. His freshman year, Balbul was named 2019 GSC Tournament MVP after scoring the lone goals in both the quarterfinals 1-0 win against Christian Brothers University and the GSC Championship 1-0 win against West Florida.
Balbul is one of the many international student-athletes at Lee University. He moved to America last fall to join the Flames’ soccer team. Balbul has a unique student experience here as he balances his business administration major, playing soccer and incorporating his Jewish culture into his life.
How did you get into soccer?
“My dad is a soccer player, so all my life I was exposed to that. My first memory as a kid was when I was four years old going to the field with my dad to play soccer. I just grew up with that.”
What brought you to Lee?
“Lee gave me a really good offer. Lee’s soccer program is pretty serious. They talked to me a lot and showed me the plan for their future, and really convinced me it was the right place for me to come and try to achieve championships.”
What is your best soccer memory at Lee?
Photo courtesy of Lee Athletic Communications
“That’s easy. Last year was the first time for Lee University to win the GSC soccer championships, and I remember the game like it was yesterday. I scored the winning goal in the last eight minutes. That was an exciting moment for me and for sure my teammates. I’m just glad to be a part of that.”
The soccer team is made up of players from 11 different countries. What is your favorite thing about your teammates?
“We are so united as one team — one collective team. It doesn’t matter if we have different opinions or are from different countries with different cultures. We are still very united and look out for each other. Every player really cares about each other, and even though it’s a competition, and we fight for each others’ spots, we all support each other and encourage each other.”
What is the worst part about playing soccer?
“Worst part? I really can’t think about that because I love this game. I guess the worst part is the fitness and all the running we do without the ball, but I know as a player it has a huge impact on me, and I must do it to get better. I don't mind it because it develops me as a player. I don’t like it as much as playing with the ball, but I know it’s important for me, so I’m glad to do it.”
Moving on from soccer, what is your favorite memory from your time here at Lee?
“When I met my sweet girlfriend, Dariana Blanton. We’ve been dating about a year now, and she’s a great girl who’s had a big impact on me. I’m so glad I met her and her family.”
What’s your favorite thing about America?
“The opportunities. You can do a lot of things — it’s never-ending. Even in school, you can study so many different majors … You don’t have limitations on what you can do, and I really like that.”
What do you miss most about Israel?
“The food. I love the food in Israel. It’s so good. It’s pretty different from here. It’s more healthy nutrition-wise, and I’m just used to that. I still need to adjust to American food because it’s too greasy for me. They say everything’s perfect in America, but I really do miss my food and my family.”
What is your favorite American food?
“I’d be basic if I say Chick-fil-a. I wasn’t exposed to a lot of American food, but maybe the barbecue.”
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
“That’s a good question. Location-wise, I don’t know where I’m going to be if that’s in the U.S. or in Israel, but I know for sure I’ll want to have a big family. That’s my first goal to have a really nice, healthy, educated family that I can provide everything for. All the other things don’t really matter.”