Flame on the Hot Seat: Emily Ritchie
Photos courtesy of Emily Ritchie
Our last Flame on the Hot Seat is freshman golfer Emily Ritchie. Ritchie has had a busy first semester of college while juggling golf, making new friends and starting her biochemistry pre-med major. Coming to Lee from Boerne, Texas, Ritchie started her collegiate career off strong with a top ten finish in the Flames’ final fall tournament.
What brought you to Lee?
“I came out for the first time and loved the campus, and, of course, the golf team is really good. Then I came out a second time when school was in session last fall, and it felt like a place I wanted to belong to. The community felt great, and I just fell in love!”
How did you get into playing golf?
“I think I was about four years old when I saw it on TV for the first time, and I really wanted to try it. My parents started taking me when they went out to play, and they would let me just putt around on the greens, and it’s kind of just stuck with me ever since.”
What is your favorite thing about the game of golf?
“I like how it’s individual, but also a team competition. If you mess up, there’s no one else to blame but yourself, but at the same time, you get that team aspect of team golf. It’s kind of like the best of both worlds.”
What do you think about before you hit every shot?
“It bounces around a lot, but that’s actually a really important part of golf. Recently it’s been just a thought of ‘just swing’ because I know I’ve done everything I can to hit the best shot possible, I just have to go up and swing at it.”
What's a good way to stay calm and focused when shots aren’t going your way?
“For me, it’s good to really focus on the fact that those are in the past and there’s nothing you can do about it to change it. You just have to keep on going and move on to the next shot.”
What does your pre-rounds routine look like? Is there anything that you or your team do before a match that’s interesting or unique?
“I have a superstition where I paint my nails a different color three days before a tournament. It started my sophomore year of high school, I painted them for the first time, and we got to state for the first time in my high school, so I have not stopped that tradition since. It’s just something that I do!”
What has been your favorite moment or memory at Lee so far?
“There’s been so many good moments. Friday nights I usually play a game of hostage with my friends, and that’s always fun.”
Photo courtesy of Lee Athletic Communications
What do you look forward to most about your time here in college at Lee and with this team?
“Honestly, the chance to compete in a national championship. I know our team has the potential to go out and win one, and the thought that I have four years at a chance at it is exciting. We just have to put the effort and time into it, and I know we can do it.”
Fun fact about yourself?
“I learned to scuba-dive when I was 11 in Jamaica! I learned six months of material in five days!”
If you could live during any decade, what decade would you live in?
“Maybe the ‘70s or ‘80s because I love the music from back then.”
What is your favorite app on your phone?
“I’m on Instagram and Snapchat a lot, but when golf season is on: 9u. I’ll have GolfStat on all the time, Just checking all the tournaments, especially when one of our teams is away. We always check and see what everyone’s at.”
Best movie recommendation?
“I’m a big Quentin Tarantino fan. I love all of his movies. Just watch them if you haven’t.”
You find a lottery ticket and win 10 million dollars, what do you do with it?
“I would have to limit myself. Of course, I would start by donating some of it to charity. But then I would have to limit myself on how much I would spend because I am a stress-buyer, which isn’t the best habit to have, but I would put some of it to charity, some to savings and then I would allow myself to spend some of it!”