Lee University to present 30th annual ‘A Classic Christmas’
Photo courtesy of Lee University Office of Publications
On Dec. 8 in the Conn Center, Lee University students and the surrounding Cleveland community can expect to usher in the holiday season with the 30th annual “A Classic Christmas.”
The concert will feature performances by Lee University Choral Union, Lee University Chorale, Lee’s Handbell Choir and The Lee University Symphony Orchestra.
Dr. Josh Cheney, assistant professor of choral music and director of Choral Union, is looking forward to the performances and believes this year’s concert will be one to remember.
“Choral Union and Symphony Orchestra will be performing a carol medley called ‘Feast of Carols’ by Randol Alan Bass; it's one that has never been done at Lee and the audience ought to love it,” Cheney said. “We'll also be performing a bit of jazz with ‘Christmas Time is Here.’ There's also a great motet from the 19th Century called ‘Ave Maria’ — it's a setting of a melody by Jacques Arcadelt and is quite nice.”
Cheney explained the preparation and rehearsals for “A Classic Christmas” are what makes a memorable concert for the audience and those performing.
“My favorite part of preparing for Classic Christmas is getting to work with all of the different groups and units across campus,” Cheney said. “The audience always has the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of artistic labor, but some of the most memorable aspects of making music come behind closed doors.”
Laud Vaught, director of the Handbell Choir, considers this concert to be a gift to the community because of its uniqueness and festive atmosphere.
“There’s nothing like it in this area,” Vaught said. “[We’re talking about] orchestra pieces from ‘Polar Express’ and other Christmas movies, sacred music from past centuries ... handbells and brass and jazz — it’s very seldom events include all that stuff and that many people from different walks of life will come together and enjoy that same event.”
Other holiday favorites including “Jingle Bells,” “The Little Drummer Boy” and “Silent Night” will be performed as well as works by ELain Hagenberg, Joel Raney and Mack Wilberg.
Tickets are free but required due to the limited seating in Conn Center.
“I have heard that tickets are sold out, but every year there are many people that don’t show up,” Vaught explained. “Don’t let the fact that you hear there aren’t any tickets keep you away because it’s a really, really enjoyable time.”
Vaught and Cheney highly encourage students and members of the community to come to “A Classic Christmas” and help celebrate the holiday season.
“It’s a great way to either start the Christmas season or continue it if you’ve already begun,” Vaught said.
Tickets are available at the Dixon Center box office, which is open Monday-Friday from 3-6 p.m. Tickets can also be reserved by calling (423) 614-8343 or online at showclix.