Lady Flames tennis team outwork Knights
The Lady Flames are dominating the court as they start off the season, and fans expect they will keep shining as the season continues.
Photo by Shannon Clark, Staff Reporter
A crisp Saturday morning led to a 5-2 win for the Lady Flames against the Bellarmine Knights. The team’s persistent work ethic, agility and a cheering crowd brought another victory as the season starts to take shape.
Starting off the morning, freshman duo Lauren Trammell and Sierra Donaldson brought the Lady Flames their first doubles win by a score of 6-2.
The duo's high energy was displayed on the court as they worked well together to keep one step ahead of the Knights.
“It was a little bit of a fight,” said Trammell. “We feel good about our performance. Donaldson and I feed off of each other’s energy well.”
The Lady Flames took another doubles win at the hands of sophomore Carley Sickinger and freshman Lisa Kirr.
While the Lady Flames were gaining early advantages and sweeping the court, the crowd was cheering with fans.
One of these fans was Sodexo Employee Phyllis Cannon, who has found herself spending a lot of her free time cheering on the Flames.
“I feel like I am thriving at Lee as much as the students are,” said Cannon. “I love coming to support the students. Even if they are away, I love seeing them in the [cafeteria] so I can ask how their game went.”
With support from all across campus, the Lady Flames were able to stand strong against the Knights in the singles matches as well.
The fight was not easily won as the Knights' Rachel Smith held off Trammell 7-5, but Donaldson came back on the court to win 10-8.
The Lady Flames are dominating the court as they start off the season, and fans expect they will keep shining as the season continues.
As for what to expect from the Lady Flames in future games, fans can look forward to seeing the team unite to face tougher schools and come out on top.
“We want to work together with even more unity so that the whole team can win,” said Trammel. “Each person is like a puzzle piece and we want each person to help bring the whole picture together…so we can all win.”
The Lady Flames face Tennessee Wesleyan University this Wednesday, March 20, at 2 p.m. at the DeVos Tennis Court.