Getting plugged-in to intramural sports
Seth Barnett up to bat for the TKO softball team. All photos by Sydney Pressley.
Summer has come to an end and the fall semester is here. A great way to get plugged back into campus is by signing up for intramural sports.
“Intramurals is a great way to get out and meet new people,” said Noah Cowart, a junior accounting major and intramural supervisor. “Getting out of the dorm or house and getting some exercise is great not only for your body, but also your mental health.”
Michael Giesman, a junior accounting major and member of Alpha Gamma Chi, said he thinks intramurals place freshman where they can be surrounded by people who are also interested in athletics. Geisman said if there is a game going on, students can just go out and see if they like the atmosphere.
“All they really have to do is talk to their friends and get connected with a team,” said Geisman, “but the most important thing is having fun.”
Eric Eledge, the assistant director of campus recreation, offers some other reasons for students to join an intramural team.
“It’s free,” said Eledge. “And it’s a great way to become familiar with the campus community - to create social contacts and friendships. It’s just healthy.”
Thanks to the new LeeU Rec app, keeping up with intramurals has never been easier. IMLeagues is still the engine that makes Lee intramurals run, but the new app provides a cleaner way to navigate the field. Within the app, students can register, create or join a team, and keep up with stats. Plus, it offers a schedule of all the games for those who just want to go watch.
Signups for softball and sand volleyball have already passed, but there are more sports to come later in the semester. For freshmen who may have missed out on this first round of signups, talk to your resident assistants and dorm coordinators about setting up a team for the next season. Students can also contact Eledge via email, or call ext. 8454, and he will be more than happy to help find them a team.
Intramural sports are one of the many things that Lee offers to keep students healthy, active and socially engaged. From the social butterfly to the introvert, there is something for everyone.