New research reveals post-Millennials as the most diverse and educated generation
Photo by John David Clark, Photo Editor
The analysis of different generations is a popular topic in the news and research realms of society, and Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers and Millennials all bear the brunt of many stereotypes and generalizations. However, the new generation on the scene—sometimes called “post-Millennials”—are projected to be the most diverse and educated group thus far.
According to a Pew Research Center report, post-Millennials were born after the year 1996; the current age range is 6 to 21. Though it’s still early, and there are not yet major character stereotypes, these new statistics compare this generation’s ethnic makeup and academic success to that of the previous generation.
According to the Pew article, the ethnic makeup of this age-group has only a slight majority of whites: 52 percent. Furthermore, the article says the Census Bureau estimates the post-generation is projected to be overall non-white in less than 10 years. Researchers say this ethnic shift contributes to the education aspect.
“The changing patterns in educational attainment are driven in part by the shifting origins of young Hispanics,” the Pew report said.
Photo by John David Clark, Photo Editor
Photo by John David Clark, Photo Editor
According to the Pew report, the post-Millennials’ rate of high school dropouts is considerably lower than that of the Millennials. In addition, the latter had 34 percent of Millennial Hispanics enrolled in college, compared to 55 percent of post-Millennial Hispanics.
Concerning the background of these Hispanic young adults, the percentage of post-Millennial Hispanics that are immigrants is half that of Millennial Hispanics. Furthermore, post-Millennials are more likely to have at least one parent that is not native to the U.S.
Junior music and worship major Matéo Copado is in the category of Hispanics shifting the post-Millennial generation. He is native-born, while his father is from Mexico. He is also a first-generation college student.
Copado said he believes his generation has taken lessons from those that have gone before them and is excited to see what his age group can accomplish. However, he said his generation does not receive much help from older generations on how to manage their ambition.
“I think the post-Millennial generation dreams big and seemingly unrealistic dreams, but older generations don’t really have a strong enough sense of belief to invest [in us] by stewarding those big and crazy ideas,” Copado said.
Associate Professor of Sociology Dr. Arlie Tagayuna looks at these trends through the lens of a sociologist. He said he agrees with Copado in that this generation has great potential.
According to Tagayuna, because the post-Millennials grew up in years with themes from normalized global terrorism to ever-increasing technology, they have admirable qualities. From collaboration skills to critical media consumption and socially conscious beliefs, he said post-Millennials are not so bad off.
Due to society forcing their parents to learn the negative implications of helicopter parenting, Tagayuna said post-Millennials are being allowed to discover and explore more. This approach seems to be allowing this generation to become more independent.
Despite this increased freedom, Tagayuna said post-Millennials may not feel encouraged because they have been conditioned to receive instant gratification.
Tagayuna said he believes the diversity of the post-Millennial generation will work to their benefit, making them more aware of others and maintaining the desire for understanding others.
“I think having a diverse environment, diverse perspective and diverse knowledge will foster mutual patience with others, foster mutual tolerance and…mutual agreement on how to live in a time and place where everyone doesn’t agree,” Tagayuna said.
To read more about the post-Millennial research, visit the Pew Research report.