New Forum building to be focal point for this year's homecoming
Upon completion, many homecoming celebrations will take place in the new Forum building.
Courtesy of Madison Penrose
The opening of the Forum is slated to ring in homecoming this November.
As with the new School of Business building, the Forum’s construction has been ongoing due to the need to prioritize the completion and openings of other new buildings.
Cole Strong, assistant vice president for operations, shared how long-term plans have played into the timing of construction.
“We know the plan was to open Dirksen Row at the start of school. We know the plan is to open the School of Business over fall break,” Strong said. “Then we have the Forum and its surrounding areas finished by homecoming.”
According to Strong, the Forum’s completion will be a part of the homecoming celebrations.
“For homecoming, we will have a handful of block parties held there,” Strong said.
Strong also discussed how pedestrian traffic will increase due to the structure and development of the Forum.
“We are having a pedestrian mall that will take you from the Forum, back to 8th street, between the School of Religion and the Watkins building,” Strong said. “[This means] calling for more traffic on the southern quad of campus.”
The Forum has been made possible through partnered fundraising with the university itself and different alumni associations of the school's multiple Greek clubs. Because of this alumni involvement, many see homecoming as an appropriate time for its opening.
Abbi Cook, a junior nursing major and alumni coordinator for Sigma Nu Sigma, has worked closely with the alumni supporting the Forum’s construction and is looking forward to the celebration.
“I think it is the perfect spot for homecoming festivities,” Cook said. “After speaking with the alumni, they agree and couldn’t be any more excited to show off Lee’s newest addition, having it a focal point and a way to connect all of the Greek community.”
Homecoming is a time for alumni and their families to reconnect and revive their college memories together. Both Greek and non-Greek students and alumni have seen significant change in Lee’s landscape over the past years, with the Forum being the most recent addition.
Phil Cook, vice president for enrollment, is very involved in homecoming festivities and is looking forward to welcoming the new building by holding events around the Forum.
“As an alumni of two Greek clubs, I am particularly excited about the Forum and its completion for homecoming,” Phil Cook said. “We hope both the Forum and School of Business will generate excitement for the entire Lee University family.”