Lee University Student Media takes home seven awards from AP College event
Lee Student Media members hold their awards in Nashville, TN on Saturday, April 8. Left to right: Dumisa Moyo, Michael Finch, Blake Bouza, Kimberly Sebring, Alex Farmer, Evan Pell and Chad Magee.
Photo courtesy of Kimberly Sebring
The Lee Clarion and Ignite teams received seven awards at the annual Tennessee Associated Press Broadcasters and Media Editors event in Nashville on Saturday, April 8.
The awards recognized individual student editors for their reporting during 2016, and each recipient received a certificate or plaque.
The recipients from the Clarion are Managing Editor Chad Magee, News Editor Kimberly Sebring and Life Editor Blake Bouza.
Ignite recipients are Dumisa Moyo, Martha Douhne and Victor Johnson.
"I am so proud of my staff," Student Media Faculty Advisor Michael Finch said. "This group cares about excellence and innovation, and that shows."
Clarion Managing Editor Chad Magee called the event a "very validating experience" for students exercising their skills in the newsroom.
"To have your hard work recognized by professionals in your area of study as award worthy is a real honor," Magee said. "It's an encouragement to those of us who are graduating and have struggled with the idea that maybe we aren't ready to do this professionally yet. Winning an AP award helps to if not completely extinguish at least lessen that fear."
Individual Lee student awards:
Chad Magee - Sports Reporting, Second Place
Kimberly Sebring - Best News Story, Second Place
Blake Bouza - Specialized/Topic Reporting, Honorable Mention
Dumisa Moyo - TV News Story, First Place
- Videographer, First Place
- Best in Show
Dumisa Moyo, Martha Douhne and Victor Johnson - TV News Story, Third Place
A full list of all 2017 college award recipients can be found on the McClatchy DC Bureau's website.