Lee University student media releases sports podcast
Drew White and Tre Pierce
Taken by Alex Farmer
Lee University student media has recently released its first student radio podcast.
The unnamed podcast's focus is sports, both at Lee and nationwide. Senior Andrew White is the main host of the show, along with co-hosts Kristen Johnson and Tre Pierce. They hope their podcast can reach an audience on campus.
“As people walk to class, they can listen to the podcast and hear everything that is happening on campus,” White said.
White first thought of the idea for a sports podcast at the beginning of the Spring 2017 semester.
“I was in my room one night listening to podcasts before I fell asleep,” White said. “I woke up, out of nowhere, at 5 AM and thought, ‘What if I had my own podcast?’”
White spent hours doing research on other people’s podcasts and how to start his own before presenting his idea to Dr. Michael Finch, faculty sponsor to Lee student media.
The podcast will be released once a week, featuring a different guest each episode. The first guest star was senior David Perez, former co-captain on the men's soccer team.
“The podcast is something that can help bring non-athletes to get interested in athletics at Lee, whether intramurals or sports teams,” Perez said.
Perez hopes that through the podcast, students can realize “athletes are not that different from other students, we just play a sport. It’s like a hobby that is a big part of our lives.”
Recording these podcasts has been a learning experience for everyone involved.
“Coming into this, I knew nothing about sports. I’ve had to do a lot of research,” Johnson said. “We’re learning a lot about athletes too. It was fun having Perez here to hear his perspective.”
All students are welcomed to be a guest on the show.
“You don’t have to be an athlete to be knowledgeable about sports. If you have something to say, come say it,” Pierce said.
“If you are passionate about something, whether at Lee or a professional sport, we want you to be welcomed to come and talk about it,” Johnson said.
Though the podcast has yet to receive an official name, Johnson said that students are pushing to call it The Spark.
Students interested in working with Johnson can contact her via phone (931)- 220- 5319.