Anticipation for the opening of the new business building grows
The business building is currently under construction as the projected completion date draws closer.
Courtesy of Madison Penrose
The completion date for the upcoming School of Business building is projected to be soon after Lee's fall break, despite rumors of a postponement.
Many thought the building was to be officially opened in the fall when students returned from summer break, but operations officials said this was never the case.
The new Dirksen Row townhouses behind the School of Nursing building took priority this summer, and played a significant role in deciding the order of construction.
The new business building is being added to Pangle Hall, which was formerly First Baptist Cleveland. According to administrative officials, retrofitting an old building to make it work well for a contemporary teaching space is often harder than building something new from the ground up.
Due to this difficulty, the progress of the new business building has taken more time than students may have anticipated.
Despite the wait, Dr. Hermilo Jasso, professor of business administration, said he and his faculty colleagues are appreciative of the opportunity to be in a new location for the future.
“Those of us here in the business department are very grateful for this new construction and are very excited for the move,” Dr. Jasso said.
Excitement for Lee’s newest building on the southern end of campus continues to rise as time comes closer to its opening.
With its large glass entryway, the new building is going to have an up-to-date, modernized style.
Many business students are eagerly anticipating having a new home for their program. Gabriel Rayburn, a senior business major, said she is looking forward to socializing and studying in a new area of campus.
“As a senior, I am looking forward to exploring a new side of campus for my last year here,” Rayburn said.
Like many business majors, Rayburn is excited for a change in scenery.
“I have spent the last 3 years in the same building, which I still love,” Rayburn said. “But I am eager to spend some time in a new, updated area of Lee’s campus.”
Barrett Potter, a senior marketing major, hopes the new building is a place better-suited for her and her fellow business majors.
“I am just looking forward to a larger place that is accommodating for all of us business students, with some good parking," Potter said. "And maybe some kind of coffee place."
With construction well underway and fall break drawing nearer, the completion date is fast-approaching.