Unity Dance Troupe premiers "Dreamer"
photo from unitydancetroupe.com
Dixon Center at Lee University was full of people coming to watch “Dreamer” by the Unity Dance Troupe on the night of Saturday, Nov. 19.
"Dreamer" tells the story of Joseph found in the biblical Book of Genesis, beginning with Joseph's of his brothers bowing down to him and ending when he is reunited with his father in Egypt.
The story is told from Joseph’s viewpoint through his diary, tells how he is feeling at the time, what is going on, and the questions Joseph would ask God as he gets closer to becoming the second in command in Egypt.
“The show was really moving I could see their [Unity’s] love for God through their dance,” Ashely Horn, a sophomore at Lee University, said.
Alexis Burleson who also wrote, directed and choreographed the show, explained the message of "Dreamer."
Burleson said that the show portrays that in a relationship with God, trust is earned and not just given.
Freshman Southern Allen added that he also interpreted the show to be about trust in God.
“When God gives us dreams they are not there to die, but for us to live out,” Allen said.
The meaning of this show was heard through Joseph’s diary, but seen through dance.
Sarah Haratine is a cast member of Unity Dance Troupe, and said she believes there is something to be said for using dance to create a story.
“Using the vehicle of dance to portray a story in a different way allowing for it to have a different meaning and understanding than it would have from just talking to one another,” Haratine said.
To learn more about Unity Dance troupe, such as tour dates and their next show, visit unitydancetroupe.com.