Lee to host Thanksgiving meal on campus
Graphic by Kendall Lane
Students that find themselves in Cleveland or on Lee’s campus during Thanksgiving have the opportunity to enjoy a free luncheon at noon on Friday, Nov. 25 in the Centenary Room.
For the past 14 years, The President’s office has hosted a Thanksgiving buffet for students. This year’s event will include traditional food and giveaways, according to Secretary to the President Andrea Campbell.
“Sodexo does the food and we do traditional Thanksgiving food – turkey, roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn and different kinds of desserts,” Campbell said.
This is Campbell’s ninth year being involved with the Thanksgiving meal. She said the number in attendance usually ranges anywhere from 85 to 150 students along with staff and faculty who enjoy interacting with students during the holiday.
Freshman Julianne Clina is from New Hampshire is having to stay on campus this year due to how costly plane tickets are, but she is glad that the event will bring people together.
“It’s exciting because I get to see people who I don’t normally see and talk to people who are also far from home…we’re not just all sitting in our rooms alone,” Clina said.
Students will not only leave with a full stomach, but also with different giveaways presented throughout the lunch such as gift cards, baskets of food and more.
Every student also leaves with a candy bag, a Chic-fil-A free meal card and any leftovers from the luncheon in a to-go box.
If you plan on attending, please contact Campbell to RSVP at acampbell@leeuniversity.edu.
All campus dining services will be closed on Thanksgiving. Hours of operation can be found on the Lee Dining Services website.