Last days to purchase an 'incredibly subpar caricature' this Tuesday and Thursday

Last days to purchase an 'incredibly subpar caricature' this Tuesday and Thursday

Photos: Kaitlyn Aaron

Beside a poster that reads 'Incredibly Subpar Caricatures $3,' freshman Parker Berry can be found with Sharpie in hand and a stack of blank paper creating caricatures in the Paul Conn Student Union (PCSU).

'People laugh. Very few people have been like 'Wow this looks like me.' But everyone always laughs when they walk away and that's my heart. It does my heart good,' Berry said. 'My goal is to make it look like them and then it usually doesn't, so they laugh.'

He decided to start making the caricatures while in the process of thinking of fundraising ideas for the Greek club he pledged this semester, Theta Delta Kappa.

'Ever since I was a kid, I just drew,' Berry said. 'I love drawing and I love making art. This is less serious than my normal art. But it's pledge and I thought it would be funny if we sold caricatures.'

Berry labeled his caricatures 'sub-par' because he said he never really knows if they will turn out looking like the drawing subject.

'I'm used to drawing landscapes and that's a lot different than a face,' Berry said. 'I thought it'd be funny that in our advertising we put they might be bad, they might be good.'

His creation utensil? A purple-haze Sharpie fine-point. He finishes the caricature with a favorite quote that the person says, or if doing a drawing of a character, a famous quote from them.

Berry said people have responded well to his sale and he has made over $200 from the caricatures alone after two weeks.

The last opportunities to be drawn by Berry are this Tuesday and Thursday in the PCSU.

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