Homecoming 2016 schedule
Photo by Ruthie Martin
With all the different people and traffic around campus this busy Homecoming weekend, it's easy for people to get overwhelmed.
To make life easier, The Clarion is posting the full Homecoming Weekend 2016 schedule below from leehomecoming.com.
Enjoy the weekend!
Friday, November 4th
Homecoming Check-In, 11:00AM-6:00PM SMC Great Room
Visit a Class, 11:00AM-2:00PM Various Locations
Flames Alumni Baseball Game, 3:00PM Olympic Field
A Brief History of Lee, 3:00PM School of Religion Reading Room
Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet, 5:00PM Centenary Room
Founders Reunion, 6:00PM John Nichols Room/The Chapel
Omega Alpha Phi 20th Game & Dinner, 5:00PM Butler Field/Schimmels Park
Epsilon Lambda Phi Dinner, 6:00PM Leonard Center
Sigma Nu Sigma 50th Dessert Party, 6:00PM-8:30PM Communication Arts Building Lobby/Black Box
Volley for a Cure, 7:00PM Walker Arena
Theatre Production, "Dracula," 7:30PM Dixon Center
All Greek Block Party, 8:00PM-10:00PM South Campus Quad
Shenanigans Improv Show, 10:00PM Communication Building Black Box Theater
Saturday, November 5th
Homecoming Check-In, 8:00AM-11:00AM Administration Building Lobby
Department Breakfasts 9:00AM:
Behavioral and Social Science, Leonard Center
Business Department, SMC Great Room
Communication Arts, Communications Lobby
Education, Education Building Lobby
History, Poli Sci, & Humanities, 3rd floor of Humanities
Language and Literature, Centenary Room
School of Music, Instrumental Rehearsal Room
School of Religion, School of Religion Lobby
Natural Science & Math Department, John Nichols Room
Club Gatherings
Alpha Gamma Chi, 8:30AM-10:30AM Nursing Building 3rd Floor Lobby
Tau Kappa Omega Breakfast, 9:00AM-10:00AM Dixon Center Lobby
Delta Zeta Tau, 10:00AM-12:00PM Mayfield Annex
Upsilon Xi, 10:00AM-12:00PM North Cleveland Café
Sigma Nu Sigma, 10:00AM-12:00PM North Cleveland Bryant Fellowship Hall
Zeta Chi Lamda, 10:30AM-12:00PM Library Café
Pi Kappa Pi, 1:00PM-3:00PM Communication Arts Building Lobby
Theta Delta Kappa, 1:00PM-3:00PM Leonard Center
Omega Alpha Phi 20th Dinner, 6:00PM-8:00PM Communication Arts Building Lobby
Tau Kappa Omega Dinner, 6:00PM-8:00PM Shimmels Park
Student Organization Booths, 10:00AM-2:00PM Pedestrian Mall
Campus Tours, 10:00AM Front Circle
School of Religion Mini-Conference, 10:00AM School of Religion
Blessing of the Couples, 10:30AM The Chapel
Tailgate, 11:00AM Pedestrian Mall
Flame Walk, 11:15AM Pedestrian Mall
President's Circle Lifetime Reception, 11:30AM PDR
President's Circle Luncheon, 12:00PM DeVos Recreation Center
Women's Basketball Game, 12:00PM Walker Arena
Men's Basketball Game, 2:15PM Walker Arena
Short Film Showcase, 3:00PM Screening Room
Sigma Nu Sigma Formal, 6:00PM-9:00PM DeVos Recreation Center
Music Festival, 7:00PM Conn Center
Theater Production, "Dracula," 7:30PM Dixon Center
Dessert Mixer, 8:00PM John Nichols Courtyard
Shenanigans Improv Show, 10:00PM Communications Building Black Box Theater
Sunday, November 6th
Sigma Nu Sigma Chapel Service, 10:30AM The Chapel