Fellowship of Christian Athletes provides leadership training for students
Flames soccer player Quade Marinell (Photo by Catherine Agati)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes [FCA], at Lee University, provides an opportunity for students to sharpen their leadership ability on and off the field.
Chase Cullen, basketball player for the Flames, has only been a leader in FCA a few months, but he said he has already seen a change in his life.
'Being a FCA leader has pushed me to be a lot more intentional with my teammates,' Cullen said.
Shelby Brown, basketball player for the Lady Flames, said that athletes are required to take on certain leadership roles that others may not.
'Leadership is intensified when you are an athlete,' Brown said. ' [FCA] pushes you to grow even further, not just in your role as a student, but as an athlete. Being a leader gets you out of your comfort zone; [leadership] has made me want to be more real with people.'
Even with busy schedules, student athletes find time for FCA meetings.
'I love helping people, and in FCA I get to do that; [I get to be] there for people,'Quade Marinell, junior Flames soccer player said.
FCA welcomes athletes, but it also welcomes students who are not athletes as well. Any Lee student can participate in FCA simply by showing up for one of the meetings.
Marinell said that he loves the diversity FCA provides.
'FCA has a certain level of intentionality, because even though it says athletes [in the name], you don't have to be, you can [be] from any group or background. Everyone is welcome.'
Lee's FCA meetings are held every Monday night at 9 p.m. in the Mayfield Commons.